8 Things You Should Do Before SPM.

It is mandatory for us Malaysians to go through high school life which is five years longs, and sit for a major examination (SPM) to get us into tertiary education or even higher. It might seem SPM is prestigious, but in reality, no it could not help you further your knowledge into deeper regions of academics or real-life application.

There are a few types of students whom I have deduced these past few years. I am going to give you the best choices of things to do when you are in this period of your life. It is truly a blessing in disguise if you come to think of it, SPM’s syllabus is peanuts, and even those who put in pure luck could score decently.

Here are some things you ought to do before sitting for SPM:


#1 Discover your dream.

This five years is the time you should really think about the things you want to become for the rest of life, what you want to achieve in the future. Take this five years seriously, set your goal within this five years, or else your path would be more grueling if you could not find any goals in life. tak kenal maka tak cinta is a Bahasa Melayu adage that depicts if you do not know, you would not love it, try out new stuffs, find your dream in the midst of trying to do new stuffs.

#2 Do not indulge in social media.

This is a painful reality, a bane to the millennials that technology is deforming the human nature in us. We have lost the atavistic characteristic to do things, instead we tend to record most parts of our lives, post them on social platforms, and waiting for likes and comments. Or the other way around, spending hours on social media to look at other people’s lives.

How is this phenomena happening? Do you know that you also have a life? You should live your life, create memories, do things that may seem impossible, take chances, seize opportune times, and make every second count.


#3 Study outsource

It is credence that SPM standards are incomparable to other syllabus. If you are academically inclined, do not confine yourselves in the small box that SPM has provided for you, try stuffs from the IGCSE syllabus, find tutorials online for additional academic boost that you might need for the future, so that you would not need to suffer so much in the coming higher education.


#4 Learn how to learn heuristically.

Since SPM’s system is more of spoon feeding, and vomiting everything out during exams, you need to play your part to know how to learn independently. Do not attend tuition if possible, just attend them in the last year where most tuition centres would provide useful tips and tricks in scoring your paper. Learn independently, do not always depend on teachers because they would never be there all the time.


#5 Master an additional skill.

These five years are very crucial, it is the most optimum time to pick up something, either it is an instrument, a foreign language, a programming skill, an art or anything that interests you the most. Spend some additional cash and time to acquire and harness enough knowledge for the certain additional skill.


#6 Work

You need to get a taste of reality before it hits you hard right in the face. If you have experience working with people who are ahead of you in life, they have taken more salt than you do, they have more experience than you do, learn from them, from their mistakes, and imitate their pros. It is better than wasting your time scrolling useless feeds and addicted in computer games or pornography.


#7 Find your friends for life.

This is the best period of your life to foster bonds that is destined to you by Providence. Make friends, good or bad, make some. (Do not mix too much with bad friends) I surmise that you know what I meant.

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#8 Do What You Can’t
(Above is the link to Casey Neistat’s video)

Do what you can’t. This blog is the result of doing what I think I can’t, what people think I can’t, and here I am with a small but growing blog, and I am swimming in the accolades of doing something that people think I could not. I am currently doing Maths, aspiring to be a mathematician, people kept beleaguering me, belittling me, but this is my next goal, I am doing what I can’t.


In toto,

Enjoy these five years, relish every moment of it, have the savvy that time is not on your side, five years could just pass in a heartbeat, and remember anything could happen at anytime and anywhere, you would not expect what to happen the next moment. Do what you can’t, seize opportunity as time could not flow back into the way it was, fall in love, learn something, do whatever you want, and do consult your loved ones for help in times of need, do not ever bottle up everything inside you.


I am not condoning the act of playing computer games or preventing you from playing them. If you want to play computer games, make sure you play professionally, it is akin to sports, take them seriously, and it would be beneficial. If you are playing for fun, ensure that you do not waste too much time on it, strike the balance between other things and games.

Craving for more? Down below:
SPM Results
3 Months
Time Flies
Choir Life. The End.
Maths is Beautiful


Published by zeckrombryan

Hope. Joy. Feelings cloaked as words.

6 thoughts on “8 Things You Should Do Before SPM.

  1. #4 Learn how to learn heuristically.

    Extremely important, for everyone!

    #8 Do What You Can’t

    People forget that everything they can do right now, they learned, including walking, talking, eating, brushing their teeth.

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